The Ultimate Guide To the best Color For Business

Color for business isn’t just aesthetic; it’s a strategic tool that can transform your brand. Discover how to choose the right palette.

Have you ever stopped to think about why the color red makes you feel a bit more energetic, or why blue gives off a calming vibe? Colors aren’t just shades that beautify a design; they’re at the heart of how brands connect with us. Take the iconic golden arches of McDonald’s or Facebook’s soothing blue logo—these aren’t just random choices. They’re strategic decisions that significantly influence customer perception and brand identity.

This guide is all about helping you find the perfect color palette for your business, ensuring it not only looks great but also resonates deeply with your audience. Whether you’re crafting the identity for a startup or refreshing an established brand, the colors you choose play a crucial role.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore the power of color in branding, from boosting brand recognition with a signature hue to building an emotional connection with your audience. We’ll dive into practical tips on choosing the right colors based on your brand’s personality and target market, and we’ll look at some famous brands who’ve nailed their color strategy. Ready to color your brand’s world? Let’s dive in!

“Company colors are more important to a company’s recognition and identity than any other elements.”

Hans G. Conrad and Otl Aicher, designers behind the iconic Lufthansa Brand Standards. 
Luifthansa Logo 2014 jpg
Lufthansa Logo Via: Facebook

Have you ever caught a glimpse of Lufthansa’s bold yellow branding while jet-setting abroad? This iconic color has been a signature of the German airline for decades, all thanks to the masterful design efforts of Hans G. Conrad and Otl Aicher. Their strategic approach has not only created a highly recognizable brand but also a seamless and cohesive visual identity.

So, what’s the takeaway for businesses looking to mirror Lufthansa’s success? The answer lies in the power of color—it’s more than just decoration; it’s a key player in brand recognition and emotional connection. Picasso famously said, “color speaks to the soul,” hinting at the profound impact colors have on us as consumers. Inspired by Lufthansa, consider establishing a cohesive brand system that leverages color to forge a memorable impression on your audience.

Despite shifts in consumer preferences and societal trends, the fundamental associations we have with colors largely remain steadfast. We’ve long linked green with nature, blue with trust, white with purity, red with passion, and purple with royalty. These associations have stood the test of time.

This enduring connection makes it crucial for businesses to choose their colors wisely. It’s not just about picking a shade that looks good; it’s about finding the right color that fits the business, resonates in its context, and appeals to the target market. Make your color choice count!

Color For Business example by Beyond Lines

The Power of Color for Business Branding

Think of color as more than just a pretty face in the branding world; it’s a core strategic tool that can elevate your business in several impactful ways:

Brand Recognition

Colors don’t just catch our eye; they lodge themselves in our memories. When a brand chooses its colors, it’s crafting a visual signature that’s as unique and memorable as a catchy jingle. Take Coca-Cola’s iconic red, for instance. This isn’t just any shade of red; it’s one that you can instantly recognize on a soda can in a crowded supermarket aisle. Similarly, the vibrant yellow of Ikea isn’t just welcoming; it’s strategically used so that whenever you see this shade of yellow, you’re immediately reminded of the brand’s innovative and budget-friendly furniture solutions.

Coca Cola Red Bottle Cap | Photo by Karolina Grabowska
Coca Cola Red Bottle Cap | Photo by Karolina Grabowska

This process of selecting the perfect color is both an art and a science. Brands like Coca-Cola and Ikea have invested heavily in understanding how colors not only enhance brand recognition but also differentiate them from their competitors. By consistently using specific colors in their logos, packaging, and marketing materials, these companies ensure that their visual identity is etched in the public consciousness.

The right color can act like a visual shorthand for what your brand stands for. Whether it’s luxury, trust, excitement, or innovation, the colors you choose help convey these qualities directly to your audience. In essence, a well-chosen color palette is not just about aesthetics; it’s a fundamental part of a brand’s communication strategy.

Brand Cohesion

To achieve effective brand cohesion through color, it’s important to select your colors strategically during the branding process and stick to these colors across all your brand representations. Detailed brand guidelines that specify exact color codes (like CMYK, RGB, and Pantone) ensure that everyone involved with the brand—from designers to marketers to third-party vendors—uses the same shades, maintaining consistency.

In conclusion, a consistent color scheme is not just a matter of aesthetic appeal; it is a strategic tool that enhances brand recognition, builds consumer trust, ensures a seamless customer experience, reinforces brand values, and sets your brand apart in the marketplace. By meticulously applying consistent colors, your brand becomes a familiar, trusted, and preferred choice in the lives of your customers.

Emotional Connection Through Color

Color isn’t just about making things look pretty—it’s a secret language that communicates directly with our emotions, influencing how we feel and act without us even realizing it. It’s like the unsung hero of branding, playing a critical role in creating experiences that stick with us, pulling on our heartstrings and making brands unforgettable.

Speaking the Language of Emotion

Think of color as a direct line to our feelings. Soft pastels like baby blue or gentle pink might soothe and calm us, perfect for brands that want to seem caring and reliable. On the flip side, bold hues like fiery red or electric orange radiate energy and excitement, catching the eye of anyone looking for a bit of thrill. This isn’t just aesthetics—it’s strategic emotional engagement that helps brands create deeper connections with their audience.

Echoing Brand Values

When colors reflect what a brand stands for, they amplify the message. A brand that values sustainability and nature might embrace shades of green, embodying these principles visually and reinforcing their commitment every time you see their logo or products. This not just shows consistency; it builds trust and loyalty through genuine representation.

Standing Out in the Crowd

In a world buzzing with countless brands, color can be your standout feature. Choosing a unique color scheme can make your brand pop in the crowded marketplace, making it easier for customers to spot and remember you. Just look at how T-Mobile’s vibrant magenta makes it instantly recognizable amidst the usual blues and reds of the telecom world.

Staying Fresh and Relevant

While sticking to your colors is crucial for consistency, keeping an eye on color trends and evolving tastes keeps your brand relevant and engaging. It’s not about overhauling your identity but rather making smart tweaks, like introducing seasonal colors that resonate with current moods or celebrations. It keeps the brand experience fresh and exciting for everyone. For example, Starbucks introduces holiday-themed red cups every winter, maintaining its brand cohesion while also aligning with seasonal consumer sentiments and celebrations.

Woman drinking from a Red Starbucks Holiday Themed Cup. Photo by Kristi Gy.
Photo by Kristi Gy.

Crafting a Multi-Sensory Experience

Color is just one part of a bigger sensory experience that includes everything from the design of your website to the decor in your store. By ensuring your brand colors flow seamlessly across all these elements, you create a cohesive experience that feels familiar yet dynamic. This kind of consistency doesn’t just look good—it feels right, enhancing the emotional bond customers have with your brand.

So, leveraging color in your branding isn’t merely a matter of choice; it’s about making strategic decisions that not only enhance the aesthetic but also connect, engage, and resonate with audiences on a deeply emotional level. It’s about making your brand not just seen, but felt and remembered.

How to choose the right color for business

First, never choose a color for business just for the sake of color. When creating your identity, work with your designer to establish a color for business that will highlight or represent aspects of your business. Keep cost in mind as well.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the “best” color for business. The ideal palette will depend on your brand personality, target audience, and industry. Here’s how to find yours:

  • Define Your Brand Identity: What are your brand’s core values and mission? Are you playful and innovative, or reliable and established? These qualities can help guide your color choices.
  • Consider Your Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding their demographics and preferences will influence your color selection. For example, a company targeting young children might use bright and cheerful colors, while a financial services firm might opt for more sophisticated and muted tones.
  • Explore Color Psychology: Learn how different colors can influence emotions and behavior. Red is associated with passion and excitement, while blue conveys trust and calmness. Researching color associations can help you choose colors that align with your brand message.

We always do at Beyond Lines when we design a logo for a client to create our logos in black and white first. So this allows for two things; first, we know the logo will work in low-cost or color-restricted situations, and second, we know the logo doesn’t require color to do its job. Another benefit is reducing the number of colors used in a logo.

85% of the Top 100 on the Forbes List of Most Valuable Brands (as of 2020) only use one or two colors in their branding. The benefit of reducing the number of colors is that it’s easier to “own” one or two colors.

Of course, there are many other things to consider when designing a logo. So if you’re ready to start branding or rebranding your business, please get in touch with us to get started!

What Is the Best color for business?

Picking the perfect color for your business isn’t a straightforward task—there’s no one “best” color that fits all. It’s a nuanced decision that reflects your brand’s unique personality, resonates with your target audience, and stands out in your industry. For instance, think about how Coca-Cola’s vibrant red or Tiffany & Co.’s serene light blue mirror their brand images.

Though blue is often considered a safe and versatile choice, the best color for your business ultimately depends on a mix of strategic considerations. Dive into this colorful exploration with your brand’s unique context and goals in mind, and you’ll be sure to make a choice that not only looks good but truly resonates.

Illustration of a business owner using Color Psychology to choose the best color for their business. They are looking at several different colors to pick from.

Dig Deeper: Color Psychology: Master Consumer Influence


Example of the color Red used as a Color For Business

Red is the color of power. It gets people’s attention and holds it, which is why it’s the most popular color for marketing. Whenever there’s a sale, it’s almost always accompanied by red marketing pieces.


Blue is trustworthy, calm, and collected. If you need to inspire confidence and composure, blue is the color for you. Pair blue with orange, red, and green for a dynamic logo. In these cases, blue grounds the brand, while the second color gives it a feeling of energy and power.


An intense and bright color, pink, grabs attention. Such a stand-out color for business is effective for any demographic and can communicate excitement and boldness.


Yellow is a powerful color but is also the trickiest to use for a brand. Commonly used for emergency messages or alerts, yellow requires a sophisticated touch when applied as a color for business purposes.


Green means go! Of course, that’s one of the many messages green communicates. It’s also associated with wealth, climate, science, and money.


Purple is royalty’s color, perfect for lending elegance and prestige to your business marketing. In addition, purple is a great color choice for businesses if you want to communicate authority or seniority.


Gold is also elegant and prestigious but adds a feeling of wealth and opulence. Gold also communicates a sense of solidness and establishment to a business.


Orange is the color of energy. It gets your attention, it’s fun, and it gets you moving.


Black is a chameleon. It can be modern, traditional, exciting, sophisticated, rugged, or minimal. It all depends on how you use it and if you pair it with another color.

Color is a powerful tool in business and can be used creatively to differentiate your brand and make an impact on viewers. When selecting a color for business purposes or marketing, take all the factors discussed in this article into consideration.

Choose one that resonates with you, but that also speaks to your target audience. If there are any doubts, testing can be a reliable way to determine which will work best in various contexts.

Ultimately, by thoughtfully the right color for your business you can develop strong recognition and create an unforgettable impression. With that in mind, if you need help selecting the ultimate shade for your brand don’t hesitate to contact us today!


What are the best colors for Business branding a new business?

Branding with the right colors for your business can be a great way to make sure your startup business gets off to the right start. Choosing a striking palette is key when it comes to attracting attention and standing out from similar businesses. It’s important to consider what message you want your color choices to send, so take time to research popular color palettes and think about how they might suit your brand. A talented graphic designer can help suggest designs and plan a cohesive color scheme that suits your business goals. From navy blues to vibrant reds and oranges, there are many options out there for finding perfect colors for your brand!

What are some of the most popular branding colors?

Popular branding colors for businesses include classic shades like black, blue, and green that exude corporate professionalism and reliability. On the other end of the spectrum, bolder hues such as red and yellow can be used to grab attention and make a statement. For startup companies looking for a unique edge, less conventional colors like pink or purple can help businesses stand out in the crowd. Every color conveys something different, so it’s essential for businesses to consider which one they want associated their brand. Working with a qualified graphic designer is key to creating a standout identity with the right color palette.

What are some tips for choosing the right colors for Business branding?

Selecting the right colors for business branding is a critical step in any business’s success, especially for startups. Color can be used to evoke certain reactions and associations among customers, which makes it an invaluable tool in any branding process. A good way to get started is to research similar businesses and observe what shades they are using. It’s also important to work with a graphic designer who can help guide you towards making the most effective color selections for your brand. Additionally, consider how your chosen shades fit in with the overall design of the company logo or website. It’s essential that all elements come together cohesively to form a visually appealing and memorable representation of your business!

How can colors affect branding?

When starting a business or designing the brand of an existing one, taking time to consider color is important. Done right, colors can be one of the most effective elements to establish brand identity and set it apart from competitors. Starting off with a simple color wheel can help define the hues, tints and shades used in branding – then coloring outside of the lines is encouraged! A professional graphic designer may even be able to assist a startup in finding their perfect palette as well as giving tips on how to integrate more than just a logo through use of color. From website design to organization charts, from charts and graphs to office décor – when used imaginatively, color can be powerful tool for businesses – so don’t forget about it during branding!

What are some of the do’s and don’ts of using colors for business branding?

Designing with color can be daunting, but if a startup follows certain rules and guidelines, they’ll be sure to have a consistent brand that stands out from the crowd. When it comes to what “do’s” you should have for color branding, make sure to choose colors that align with your business values and resonate with the emotion you are trying to evoke. Graphic designers need to find the balance between too little and too much saturation that reflects their company’s style in the best way possible. On the other hand, there are certain “don’ts” when it comes to considering colors for your brand—using colors that don’t contrast enough, using outdated colors or using trends. The key takeaway here is making sure you put sufficient thought into workplace standardization around appropriate color choices with visual consistency as well!

How important is color for business when it comes to branding?

Color for business branding is one of the fundamentals when it comes to a business and creating corporate identity. Designing with color can be daunting, but if a startup follows certain rules and guidelines, they’ll be sure to have a consistent brand that stands out from the crowd. When it comes to what “do’s” you should have for color branding, make sure to choose colors that align with your business values and resonate with the emotion you are trying to evoke. Graphic designers need to find the balance between too little and too much saturation that reflects their company’s style in the best way possible. On the other hand, there are certain “don’ts” when it comes to considering colors for your brand—using colors that don’t contrast enough, using outdated colors or using trends. The key takeaway here is making sure you put sufficient thought into workplace standardization around appropriate color choices with visual consistency as well!

What are some common color mistakes made when branding?

Color is such an important element when it comes to branding. When done right, it can be the defining factor that sets a business apart from its competitors – but if it’s done wrong, it can make or break a brand drastically. Many startups may think they can simply eye-ball the colors; however, choosing the right shade or combination of hues can only be achieved with proper knowledge of design principles and color psychology. A common mistake made is overwhelming a visual message with too many colors, which can make your presentation look unprofessional and amateurish. It’s also equally important to avoid clashing colors like pink and orange as this winds up being more distracting for viewers than helping your brand stand out. Aspiring graphic designers must fully understand the concepts of branding, typography, and color before ever taking on any projects – otherwise you risk ruining the opportunities for valuable first impressions for your clients’ business!

Can color really help a business stand out?

Well, the short answer is yes! For any startup or business, color branding can be key to making a company stand out amongst a sea of competitors. Color choice should both reflect the brand and provoke desired emotions. As colors are associated with different feelings, it’s important for brands to pick the most appropriate colors for their product or service. Many startups enlist the help of a graphic designer to create an effective branding system that could include logo designs and patterns.Some tips for finding that perfect color palette include looking at colors from nature, keeping in mind the message you’d like to convey, researching color associations and trends etc. By paying attention to your company’s design and color combinations, you might just find yourself well on your way to a more successful business!

Written By

Graphic Designer Miguel Mena

Miguel Mena

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